
I am still working on my fairytale (went to the zoo yesterday) so I really didn’t have time to put my prompt together or write my own entry for the prompt haha I created this site and have not yet had time to upload many photos but your mission is to chose one and let it inspire you. As the photographs were taken by either my husband or myself you can post the pictures on your site freely. Obviously I didn’t take the really old one but it is a family photo so you can use it freely as well (the little girl is my maternal grandmother). The cowboy is me dressed as Irvine Kinneas from FF8, my husband made the costume. I am so lame I know. I just thought I’d go to school dressed like that and freak out all the people in my Japanese class. I do not mind if you edit/manipulate the photos (aside from resizing I never edit my photos haha).  If you do not want to post photos on your site just let me know which photograph you were using for your inspiration. If you are a photographer and only submit photos than just submit your own photo as you would normally. I have very little experience taking photographs and because of my neurological issues it is very hard to hold my hands still!

The photos can be found here

Photos for Prompt

38 thoughts on “Prompt 13 Photo Inspiration

  1. Lovely photos and I allready picked one to write for the prompt, althought I must say I purposely tried to stay away from the flowers! Those are just way too much inspiring.

  2. Very interesting pix! We had to wipe my hard drive and install windows 8, so I “lost” all the photos I had uploaded. Technically they dwell in a little black box — my external drive/memory, also know as Henry.
    I think I will use more than one image — I feel a story/poem coming on. I always liked b&w and sepia tones, so the church and tree are particularly interesting.
    I do edit some of my photos, depends if the colour needs deepening, or the lightening sucked — some I just crop. I have a habit of taking several of the same thing, then figure out which one “fits.”
    Looking forward to more wolf, turtle/tortoise, and princess, and some musing over lunch to the photo prompts!

    1. I don’t edit because I don’t understand photoshop I am not against it I am just not tech savvy lol Henry that is so cute! I have written the next installment but I also wrote my entry for my prompt and I think I should post that first but I just don’t know.I look forward to it! I love sepia tones as well I used a setting on my camera for the color haha

      1. I have a pretty plain digital camera. But, I haven’t figured out how to use most of the features which is why I edit afterwards, lol. I’ve also got photos on my semi-smart phone. I’ve tried downloading — that doesn’t work. Then, if I send them to myself they appear as giant images. And, I’m always filling up my memory (my memory is so shot, woule dn’t take long to fill). The photo also takes video and allows for voice over — still working on that!

      2. I really only understand the one feature lol My husband has explained the features a couple of times but it will take me a while to wrap my head around it all. I really have very little experience with photography and cameras in front of or behind them. Thank you for fantastic poem!

  3. I’ll go for the tree reminded me of a tree I used to look at on the top of a hill near my house. Its view gave better perspectives for my mind in times of stress.

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