Prompt 22 Try Something Different


This weeks prompt is about stepping out of your comfort zone/niche. That’s right I want you to try something new, challenging, and/or a little different =)


1. Write a play, poem, skit, song, story (I have never written a play or skit for me that would be different)

2. Try a poetry form that you’ve never tried or have very little experience with (for my entry I did a sonnet which is a form I have almost no experience with and find very challenging besides!)

3. Write something outside of your genre or tackle a new or difficult subject

4. Do a voice recording of a poem, story, song etc.

5. Submit a photograph or artwork with your submission that you have created (many of us rely on google for our images)

6. If an artist or photographer you could try a different technique, a different subject, a different perspective (if you take pictures of flowers try taking a picture of machinery, buildings, animals, people etc), you could also attempt a daring self portrait

7. Try something new in real life like acupuncture, meditation, ice-skating, making Cinnamon rolls etc. and write about and/or photograph the experience

8. Go to the grocery store and choose an exotic fruit! Go to a restaurant and try a foreign dish! Then share the experience =)

These are just some suggestions feel free to challenge yourself in whatever way you like! If you are really ambitious try something new everyday this week it does not have to be a big event as I mentioned it can be as simple as buying a box of gourmet chocolates and writing about it.

Prompt 16: Life Lesson


Share a bit of your own personal wisdom. There is no right or wrong responses to this prompt it is all about your truth, about what guides and drives you, about life as you perceive it. Isadora Duncan believed that truth was beauty and that beauty could be found even in decay and death. That said you can go with a light inspirational piece or something raw and gritty,. Sometimes the darkest moments, the greatest tragedies, lead us to revelation. So what have you learned? Photographs are allowed too of course! In fact this might be a good prompt for you to post a picture of your face without makeup or enhancement/editing ( you don’t have to of course)! I have done this many times as I never wear makeup (considering my skill I would be worse for it lol)

Prompt 13 Photo Inspiration


I am still working on my fairytale (went to the zoo yesterday) so I really didn’t have time to put my prompt together or write my own entry for the prompt haha I created this site and have not yet had time to upload many photos but your mission is to chose one and let it inspire you. As the photographs were taken by either my husband or myself you can post the pictures on your site freely. Obviously I didn’t take the really old one but it is a family photo so you can use it freely as well (the little girl is my maternal grandmother). The cowboy is me dressed as Irvine Kinneas from FF8, my husband made the costume. I am so lame I know. I just thought I’d go to school dressed like that and freak out all the people in my Japanese class. I do not mind if you edit/manipulate the photos (aside from resizing I never edit my photos haha).  If you do not want to post photos on your site just let me know which photograph you were using for your inspiration. If you are a photographer and only submit photos than just submit your own photo as you would normally. I have very little experience taking photographs and because of my neurological issues it is very hard to hold my hands still!

The photos can be found here

Photos for Prompt