


By the same force

That incites migration

In Arctic Terns

We nest our bones



In the consummation

Of love


We create within

A passage

That the other

May never want

For warmth


Your heart hangs above

Like a laboring moon

She is generous

With her expectations

But always forgiving


(night full of seizures almost went to the emergency room not sure how available or coherent I’ll be)

42 thoughts on “3 Little Love Poems

  1. These are beautiful and coherent. I hope you are doing better after the seizures. Sending you so many hugs and positive thoughts. I want you well my friend.

  2. nice…love, love, love the first one…nesting the bones together…the last one is a bit of reality…
    i hope you are feeling better and get some rest….they can def take it out of you…

  3. I was alarmed to read of your night full of seizures, and I can only echo what everyone else here has already said. My fingers are crossed for a full recovery and a wonderful solstice.

  4. My favorite here is “Instinct”! Love the sensual image it puts forth.
    And like what everyone else says I hope you’re feeling so much better now!

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