A Tour (tons of photos)


I don’t think I have to tell you that this is the kitchen


Sorry for the blurry low quality images I am freezing and sneezing. The paintings are mine btw


This is the front door I have more boots elsewhere. I love boots!


The craft room, the painting which you can’t see well is a recent work



Another angle, that black bag is just Sam’s mobile tool kit. Sam needs 2 monitors to work from home and we just happen to have 2 office chairs but only one desk


Isadora’s blue bathroom it is very dark something is up with my flash


I tried many times hands are just too cold, anyhow this is in my yoga room


You can see winter happening outside


Then some boring weights and stuff haha



Dressing Room there is a large mirror on the wall by the closet but it’s not hung yet


Isadora’s Room part of it anyhow. On the otherside there are toys that would be in her bookcase that are just stacked on the floor because the bookcase is being painted, Sam will also build a nightstand right now she has a beat up Ikea table


The mud room and more boots and that other room you sort of see is the furnace room


Laundry Room which is a mess because we are storing paintings there until we decide where they will hang


Our bedroom which is strait up boring and proof I cannot make a bed strait


More of it that is well empty I am thinking of having a desk/vanity someday


Our bathroom part 1, in the corner our stuff is on the floor because we don’t have any furniture to place it on but in the future


Our shower speaking of which we get about 3 minutes of hot water at the moment



This is the sauna in our bathroom part of it anyhow


Our X-mas tree when we remove that the room will be quite empty on that side and yes I was sweeping haha A lot of homemade ornaments on it though I doubt you can see it well



Our fireplace


Our TV that we never watch


Where I currently am writing to you. That pink box is full of junk food I know terrible but true. I need a trash can beside me for all the tissues haha


Photo Prompt #39 “Scream by the Pier”

Arno Rafael Minkkinen 39

Arno Rafael Minkkinen

I swallow each plank

Mouth oblong, exacting

A splinter-filled well.

The distance

Between us is arbitrary,

An illusion generated

By our inability

To dismiss labels.

If truth does not conform

Then what will?

But truth does not

Always favor the majority

Sometimes only one

Rises to the cause.


If a fantasy the moral

Would breathe its very last

In the very first kiss

Living does not imply

Perfection, it is an art

Fueled with whatever madness

Ignites but does not wholly consume

The soul it confesses.


Steady hands struggle

To contain the pulse

And when the water rises

One cannot but scream.

To be human is to hunt

In the wreckage

For a weapon capable

Of defrocking these myriad veils

To be human is to drown

Whether above or below

Whether within or without

Sensation is not optional.




Wordle #39 “Gold”

Wordle 39 Dec. 15

The clock skims

My anonymous chantage,

A stilettoed ghost branding

My every scheme.

The envelope sets aloof

Misshapen and sealed

Discreet and emblematic

A stunning contradiction.


Beyond its sticky cervix

Your voice throbs,

Insistent as a scar

Beneath hooded eyes.

A brume of stanzas

Undresses those parts

So oft concealed

A heart, a womb, faces

Teeming in the river’s mouth.


A truce might silence

This rivalry.

But where is the fun in that?

In you alone I climax.

In you alone

The words gather.

Whatever alias I testify to

You manage to find

Within it a way to die,

A truth that cannot

Be shucked its fibrous cloak,

A truth more valuable than gold.


I decided to go back and do the one I missed during the move. My cold which had been quite mild, has gotten much worse.

Wordle 40 “Bankrupt”

Wordle 40 Dec. 22

The sun shrinks,


Like a bead of sweat

Behind a linen blouse.

The once wed mother

Swallows a desert

The vile, grainy tears

That hold fast their parapets.


She is bankrupt

While he lies deep

Sound but without ventilation

In the monochrome spectrum

Of her scorpion heart.


That he should die first

That his vices should

Diminish her now

That he should steal

From their children

With debts not their own

Steadies her sentimental yearnings.


A drumbling man

A cactus whose love

Hath no measure

For to chance upon it

Brings only pain

She grits her teeth

And this too is mourning.


A very quick write.

Dead tired but still breathing

Dead tired but still breathing. We are in the thick of the move right now and my days are hectic/busy. I am ashamed to say I haven’t written anything since my last Wordle. I had wanted to do the Wordle this week but I am not sure if I will pull it off yet.


A little about the experience

As with all of our previous moves it is just us doing everything. No friends, no family, no movers. Just us making a 90 minute drive once/twice daily in a car that has entered its final stages of life. As it is winter the roads have ice and it is dark, so much caution is needed. I am getting by on pure enthusiasm but I am tired, really tired.


I am doing most of the packing and unpacking. Sam is doing installations and is renovating Isadora’s room. He finished the floor yesterday (looks great!) and is putting up the wallpaper. We have a pink wallpaper for 3 walls and a photo wallpaper with cherry blossoms for 1 wall. Her room is the only one getting a makeover at the moment. In the future we will redo the bathrooms as they are older and maybe change the wallpaper/flooring in some other rooms but that isn’t a major priority.  The furnace is a priority. We also need to get a dryer!


We are in a major time crunch because we have to get back to the city before school lets out each day. Isadora has her school closing ceremony tomorrow as well.


The house seems so big walking end to end and I keep getting lost. We have to call out to find each other haha It has a good relaxing vibe that house.


Yesterday we took Isadora to visit her new school. Her class will be smaller 10 students as opposed to 17. They have PE biweekly, instead of once a week which includes swimming classes. They study math everyday instead of intermittently. Isadora loves math (she got that from Sam) so she was very excited to hear it. They also appear to be further along in reading (she doesn’t like reading nearly so much). In general the school seems significantly more organized. The students appeared excited to have a new student and several of them live near her, one boy is our most immediate neighbor and they all seemed to know exactly where she lives. I think she will like having her classmates so close. Supposedly there is a park where all the kids hangout, that we will have to locate.  A smaller town certainly but the school seemed in better shape academically.


We decorated the tree at the new house after her visit to school.


I had a therapy appointment today and wasn’t able to make the daily house trip. I haven’t figured out a therapy schedule for the new year yet, it will be 90 minutes to and from therapy possibly more on a bus. Good therapists are hard to find though and I do not think there are closer options in anycase. Still no word from the school about classes =(

Wordle #38 Spare Me

Wordle 38 Dec. 8

If my heart was
A spare key
The locks that defend
Your penitence
Would not revolve.
To remember you
Is to forget the mien
Of my ambivalence.
I cannot alter
A single thread
Even though the attempt
Extends deep into
My sacred complex.

A souvenir,
Your smile is only
Beautiful on display
Wedged between my teeth
It looks oddly cynical.
There’s not enough beauty
In you to compensate
For the beauty
Blocked in the crux
Of your ongoing trial
I wish guilt were a virtue
That heaven might not be
So quick to judge.

Traffic begs in the fever
Of a belated dawn
A casual seance
A kiss with hydrogen breath
As passive as stones
We suck on chapped lips
In the frigid mantel
Of a clinically negligible aurora
We have ruined everything.
I have been thinking a lot about the inability to forgive oneself and the consequences. About how we “create” our own hells.



Wordle #37 “Plain Sight”

Wordle 37 Dec. 1

Convulsive laughter maimed

The pallor of his cheeks

Left me dizzy and incredulous.

His humor was poisonous in high doses

And I had heard enough

Lacteal larks foaming with unease

Barbwire teeth arresting


I gripped the banister ferociously

Rustling the joints in my knuckles

If only I had some excuse

Some means to controvert my detainment

But there was nothing.

My eyes fell on the stairs with haste

Winding their way up

Mind splintering the crannies

Of a more tolerable captivity

If only I could hide in plain sight

A ghost in the attic

Sought only in avoidance



Wordle #37@MLMM


On a completely unrelated note

We got the keys to the house yesterday! We went to visit, it is just so beautiful! Sam has to work this week but next week he is off and we can start in earnest. I have some X-mas shopping to do as well even though we are dead broke at the moment. Did I mention the car has a serious problem? I am in every conceivable mood. I want to win the lottery.

It begins

As you know already I am moving in December. I am not sure how long this hiatus will be, it is pretty hard to estimate with so many unknown factors. I just know that I will need some time to establish a new routine, a healthy routine, as well as all the work stuff a move entails.. I may still post, though less frequently and consistently but I can’t guarantee as much, I do hope to sneak a little time for writing at least. Once we get into the actual house I might not have access to the internet for a bit. It is really hard to say! I can only say that I plan to return. Anyway this is my notice of hiatus so you don’t worry about my absence.