@g.s. koch


I bargain

Memories from bins

Lives offered

On discount

Smiles to fill windowless frames

A surrogate tribe


A face formed

As a passion fruit

Smoky eyes


An articulate smile is

Worth its weight in gold


Eight dollars

For a shapely peach

Six dollars

For “new” jeans

Fifteen dollars for the chest

Witch bones included


Submission for Bastet’s Shadorma Photo Prompts

18 thoughts on “Bastet’s Shadorma Photo Prompt #1

    1. Haha I am much too shy to haggle but I love going into secondhand shops you can find some great unique pieces. In the stores everything is identical and in Sweden particularly people tend to decorate their houses the same. Same furniture, same art, same everything no joke I can’t even tell whose house I am in. Sam and are eccentrics lol

  1. smiles…i love going to yard sales….the opening line buying memeories from the bargain bin is a very cool set up…in taking the memories of another will they become ours or…?

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