It has been a long time, particularly since I have updated Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie. As some of you know my life has undergone some pretty significant changes within the last few years. Divorce. Relocation (most recently to Norway for the summer which has been very good for me). Reinvention. New Relationship (we live together). A long-lasting version of Covid. A series of mental breakdowns (involving self-harm). Recently I have been struggling with my weight on top of that. Since January I have lost about 10 kg or 20 lbs. It should be said that I wasn’t overweight when I started to lose the weight. At first I was pretty excited but now I am starting to get a little nervous. I am about 49 kg which is under my personal ideal. BMI 18.8 so still in the acceptable range albeit on the edge. But now I am having massive stomach problems which I do not think is going to help the situation. Usually I lose weight very slowly so for me this weight-loss feels quite rapid. Anyhow that’s not really what I came here to discuss. All of this taken together has really made me look inside of myself. I need to have a goal, a personal goal. Right now my focuses are: joy, freedom, connection/experience, creativity, and “home”. I watched a really good talk lately and I will share the video below. Watch it, I don’t think you will regret it. Actually I have seen a lot of good videos so if you are looking for some good (mostly Eastern wisdom) spiritual talks I have suggestions! I want to create something new. I would like to hand over my beautiful and beloved Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie and start a new project (alternatively if everyone on the team is amenable we could brainstorm ideas to reinvent MLMM) because I need to build something from scratch because I need a new beginning since all these other changes have changed me in someway that I cannot quite articulate. Maybe a magazine. I just know poetry, inspiration, freedom of expression, short stories and spirituality will almost certainly be involved. Maybe divination and adventures (I have been going on a lot of those lately actually). If you have ideas or an interest in taking over at MLMM let me know as soon as possible. Some of you are probably thinking that I have started a number of things and not completed them and you would be absolutely correct. I have started and stopped more projects than I can name. I am not exactly consistent but recently I have learned some things about myself that I had put off knowing for a number of years (as in a lifetime) which I hope will move me forward for once. If not well it could be an interesting distraction or learning experience or another fabulous failure. Who knows??? Who really knows. I just know that I want to write. I need to write. But I need some fresh inspiration. I have noticed my last works have been repetitious, certain phrases keep coming to mind. I can’t stop writing once I start but I am not really writing in a direct way, in an honest way. I don’t know how to explain it but I feel I am dancing around the topic a bit or tiptoeing around some sensitive area or toxic belief that I can’t quite bring myself to touch. Anyway I will get back to you when I know more. I feel I should not rush myself as before but try to go about things in an inspired but disciplined and methodical way. I need to really work towards something for the sake of my sanity. Btw I am still keeping this blog because I have had it for years even if I have come and gone many times.

If the video doesn’t work check After School on Youtube: How to keep your heart open in hell- Ram Dass

11 thoughts on “Woman on the edge

  1. Good to see a post from you Yves. I was wondering what was happening as a lot of MLMM challenges had disappeared. Good luck with your new challenges. I know what it’s like to rebuild a life, but I would not change mine for anything now. Take care.

  2. In that case maybe I will have a look at who is still posting challenges and see what they feel for doing. I have some ideas. I feel bad to have simply vanished but my mental health was really quite critical for a few months, it’s been hard digging my way back to the surface. Thank you for your support.

  3. It’s fine to disappear for your own mental health. It’s necessary. I have very close family members who struggle, so understand how hard it is for you, and how long it can take to even feel a little bit better. I’m glad you have kept up the digging. Keep digging.

    I too was wondering about, and missing, the Monday Wordle, and would be happy to take that on. I already have the access or permission, or whatever, since I covered it in November. I am not sure if that would be any help, since there is so much more to the site than just that one aspect.

    1. Thank you so much Lisa and yes actually that might help. I have contacted the active members to brainstorm for the future prompts of MLMM. I have some ideas. There are of course 2 still going. 3 ideas I have which are new. And you would like to see the Wordle continue? And perhaps host it?

      1. Yes, I would love to see Wordle continue, and would be willing to host it. I enjoyed making the word art clouds!

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