Music Prompt #31: “I Can’t Escape Myself” by The Sound

My lips cradle your forgotten reliquaries.
I am dissatisfied with my meager existence,
with the unquenchable depths that are my fears.
So senseless, these stories with their grievous outcomes.
My senses are addictions, they shovel in horror after horror,
at least my brain is given to such ornery interpretations.
I hate my brain, how weak and sickly a thing, a brain.
I am polluted, sacred still, but markedly polluted
and I think that I should suffocate
if not for the occasional bout of laughter.

What reason have I to laugh
what reason could I possibly need?
I don’t like people in a collective sense.
We are an insatiable wake, always seeking
a definition that excuses our personal excesses
and prohibits the prosperity of others.
We envy everything, even the deficits,
even the illnesses of others because those scars
could be used to claim some benefit
for which we are not eligible given our fortune.

We are cruel to one another because in others
we assign our motives and in others we see
that which we find lacking in ourselves.
Beneath our frightful costumes
there is a child hurting,
an innocence indelible
and if we could only forgive
we’d see that we too are substantial.

What can change the nature of a man?


My nature is not receptive to fame

For it impinges upon a need

Far more persuasive than praise

The need to create in solitude

Under the syncopated directives

Of a diabolically reticent heart


I have no interest in wealth

For within its ornate trappings

I would likely find ingratitude

Death would thrust his bony fingers

Between my ribs and arrest all pursuit

Being idle, the Devil would surely

Shrink my hands into obdurate fists

Better to earn than to expect


I will not deny love

For love is indeed worth sacrifice

But if by another’s insistence

I did change, resentment would

Arise and with it suspicion

Why am I not good enough?

What credentials have you

To determine my life

When we can not

The same destiny possess?


My moods are capricious

And easily spent

I have a cache of masks and scripts

That I might,

A seemingly different man make

In truth each role

Is but another incarnation

Of a self-serving orchestrator (ego)

For on the stage

I only partially exist


The soul

In heaven’s image remains

It is the ego

That through acceptance

One may change

Create not harems

Of delusion or avarice

Create not prisons

Of preference or prejudice,

Regard only what is

That you may express


The divinity within


This is my response to Sunday’s prompt which is: “What can change the nature of a man?”

Morality Haiku



Ambitions misplaced

His stone dragon eyes pursue

Only destruction



Seething anthracite,

Netherworld conduits, his eyes

Possess and consume


Crooked smile groping

For souls, his tongue could strip

The flesh off a lemon

Original Sin

Lured astray to feed

Of his polymorphous fruit

Remorseful lips sour


Lashes drawn like blinds

Palms pressed, speak sincerely and

You will be forgiven


Makoto no kokoro

Truth exists within.

Ethics based on awareness

Of heart, do not stray


Man is not wicked

By design, rooted in love

All hearts are divine


(the last 3 represent my own moral leanings)

Submission for

Haiku Heights