
Eyes like overturned Jack-o-lanterns

Lids peeling backwards, hysterical

As a fish mutely mouthing oxygen

Lips as thin as a Butcher’s wire drawn

Back in a panicked snarl over anemic

Gums and teeth nested like a bear trap.

Sebaceous flesh riddled with detaching

Pustules, raw as a hyde-stripped deer

Or an amateurishly applied Hellraiser

Visage peeling, dripping downward,

This face as sobering as a suicide


Impish limbs spindling, delicate jutting

From tumescent core, the tide-battered

Body of a week old surfer, a fruit pregnant

With decay and ethylene, a fleshless spine

Curved outward like a child-bearing hip

Fingers like the black arthritic roots of an

Oxidized tree, nails pulled free at the seams

Vulnerable beds like unprepared livers, sick

Toxic emanations as subtle as sewage

From intestines grotesquely exposed


Such was the vision I found upon waking

No memories forthcoming to clarify the

Acquisition of this cadaverous mantle, no

Means of extraction, unzipping the costume

Surely worn. Thankfully numb a static wire of

Prickling infestation as if ants were being

Fired across my synapse in a futuristic hive


Blinds crashing sharply, locks sinking into

Metal pockets, telephones dismantled entirely

Clothes indistinguishable from flesh, left

On for a skeleton-stripping shower, bleached

Bones surely an improvement to this crucible

Of repugnant human soup offensively sloshing


I chose a significantly less disgusting image because well I didn’t want to see this lol I was still manic when I wrote this

12 thoughts on “Macabre Metamorphosis (warning)

  1. geez….now that is a rather grisly visage to wake up to eh? the sloshing soup of human something ha…errr ants in the brain or not i might try to go back to bed…and promise myself never to drink the punch again…smiles…

  2. you paint an interesting picture…Men who drink and go to bars looking for that “one night stand” often wake up to images like that but I am being too macho…nowadays woman also go bar chumming and probably wake up with something that meets your descriptive poem.

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